Family Chiropractic
Bring the whole family!
When mom and dad are functioning at their best, the entire family dynamic transforms. Parenting, while joyful and rewarding, can also be stressful and exhausting at times. As parents, we are pulled in a thousand different directions constantly trying to juggle all our family’s needs, not allowing time to focus on ourselves.
In today's overscheduled world, most adults are functioning in adrenal fatigue.
This "new normal" is filled with:
Terrible Energy
Sleep Deprivation
Poor Adaptability
Mood Dysregulation
Digestive Challenges
This constant state of dysautonomia can be tackled with our neurological approach.

Children do not merely learn healthy habits from what we instruct them to do but rather from observing our actions. When parents are well-adjusted, active, prioritize healthy eating, and lead empowered lives, their children absorb and mimic these habits, which can be passed down through generations.
The most common benefits adults experience from their adjustments and care at Health 1st are:
Better Sleep
More Energy
Better Health Habits
Increased Flexibility and Mobility
Improved Nervous System Adaptability
Improved Emotional Balance and Health